Sunday, October 4, 2009

New Beginnings

Salvete! My name is Sarah Elizabeth and I have no big red dog, not even a little one, named Clifford. You may call me Ara. If you are reading this then you are most likely family, possibly friends, and by chance you clicked on random blog and this is what you got. Frankly, I am not quite sure how entertaining this will be for any of you. I cannot promise updates, but hope for one every two weeks.
This autumn began a new book of my life, as I entered Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts as a 1st semester Junior. My major of study is English w/ a possible Archaeology or Latin Classics minor. For the fall semester I am taking the following classes: Elementary Hebrew, Beginner's Latin, Introduction to Archaeology, Methods of Literary Study, Western Classics: Homer to Dante, and a phys. ed. course Kung Fu. All of my classes are a joy to my life and the Prof. are wonderful! They are the part where I am overly delighted to be here studying at Smith. In addition to my classes I am participating in Novice Crew and Chorus.
I am not sure I realize how big of a change it is for me to be here. It has hit me in the face like a brick wall and when I recover from stars I may finally awaken to a world new and unknown. Trying to relate my life to life here, it just doesn't work. There is a saying of the "smith bubble" because there is little prejudice and discrimination here where we the students and townspeople in Northampton can be ourselves, whoever we be, and be safe from the persecution of the rest of the world. Though that is a bit generalized, I wonder how good it is to shelter the students in such an environment.
This college is more liberal, in behaviour, than I had been expecting. I shall accept that it may be a good experience for me, even though I have several issues of modern behaviour - to experience them is the only way to learn. I may pass on scarce clothing for convocation next year though, perhaps dressing head to toe for extreme contrast. The students are loud and ruckus, and though I imagine it is good for them to express themselves in semi-controlled ways I wonder if they understand the concept of respect. A few of the acquaintances I have made over the last month are becoming friends and I am enjoying the change. As I become more accustomed to life here I find myself smiling a little more and accepting the behaviour of the students, coming to grasps of the openness and comfort we have here at Smith. I believe this will be a wonderful experience in my life.

1 comment:

Nickle4aPickle said...

*hugs* I miss you! I'm sorry we couldn't hang out before you left. ;_;

Anyways, even though we all miss you a lot here, I also do hope that you find your place at your new college. :3

Take care!