Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life's Trap

To convey what I am, how can it be done? I am life and death, tortured with curiousity. I feel pain, but never enough. Alone in this world. Never been seen. Never ever noticed. Never tell a word. Cold. Tortured. Sad.

How I ever wish of life beyond this world. Of fire, dreams, and tears.

The feelings captured within me have no impression of itself in words. The thoughts that scroll across my mind are confuddled and twisted.

How do I say, that I fear myself? Without invoking terror, and uproar, and claims of understanding that are pure utter blasphemy.

I am too afriad to say. To afriad to give you the chance and find you unworthy, but I fear that you will not understand if I do not say. If I remain in my mindset of keeping my thoughts to myself that I will push you away. I realize I must take the chance. I must. For what else is there for me to do? I do not have you, and yet I cannot bare to lose you.

I cry and I don't know why.

Will you catch my tears?

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